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Definition of UC Student Employee (Employee Class = Casual/Restricted)


UC student employment is a means of providing additional financial support to students in pursuit of their educational and career objectives. To be a student employee, one must be enrolled at a UC campus (the minimum is six units each quarter). The exception is during the quarter and semester following a student’s graduation or in between enrolled quarters/semesters when a student does not need to be enrolled (see below for possible impacts). A location may also allow student employees to take one quarter or semester off and retain their student employment.

The terms and conditions of student positions are governed by the Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM). Student employees are designated as Professional and Support Staff (PSS) with Casual Restricted employee class. Employees may be classified as a UC Student Employee (Employee Class 5 = Casual Restricted) if all of the following considerations are met:

  • The employee is a registered undergraduate and graduate students of the University of California (student positions are reserved for registered undergraduate and graduate students).
  • The appointment is temporary.
  • Work is secondary to the student's academic and student life.
  • Work schedules are flexible enough to support the academic priorities of the student and therefore the work hours may be irregular.Student assistants normally work less than fifty percent, except for quarter breaks or during the summer, during which time the student may work up to full-time.
  • Students may perform jobs that appear to be similar to Staff jobs, however, they should not perform the full range/scope of work that a staff employee performs. The student employee may work under closer supervision, or may not exercise the same level of independence or discretion, or may not perform certain duties or tasks, or may not fully participate in department operational responsibilities, and/or may not have the same level of overall individual responsibility given the sporadic nature of their work schedules.
  • Students should coordinate through their location's financial aid and/or work-study offices if they are eligible. 

Possible Tax, Benefit, Retirement, Leave, Work Study and Visa Impacts

  1. FICA Tax: Students employed by the University who are not members of the University of California Retirement Plan (UCRP) must be enrolled at least half-time[1], as defined under the Department of Education regulations, to qualify for the FICA exemption.[2] Student employees not enrolled at least half-time must contribute 7.50% of their earnings to the Defined Contribution Plan (DCP) and 1.45% to Medicare. Student employees who meet the following requirements are not subject to DCP/Medicare withholding.

 A student working for the University who has a total active appointment percentage (including both fixed and variable appointments) of 80% time or more for any part of the month, is not eligible for the FICA exemption.

A student employed during the summer is subject to withholding, unless the student is taking the minimum number of units established for Summer Session and not employed at 80% time or greater.

Withholding is not required during intersession and break periods of five (5) weeks or less as long as the student is otherwise eligible for the exemption on the last day of classes preceding the break and is eligible to enroll in classes in the academic period following the break.

The student FICA exemption will not be granted if the number of units is less than the minimum number of units required for half-time status in any term. For undergraduates, the student FICA exemption will not be granted if the number of units is less than six (6) in any full term. If the undergraduate student’s last term is in the summer or similar term of shorter length, then the FICA exemption will not be granted if the credit hours are less than three (3) hours.

If the student was in their last term prior to graduating and took less than the minimum number of units required for half-time status, they can request a refund of their FICA taxes from the IRS when filing income tax return.

Campus requests for exemptions to these procedures must be submitted to the Associate Vice President and Systemwide Controller for approval.

2. Benefits Eligibility: Students may become eligible for Core Benefits if they work equal to or greater than 75% FTE time for three (3) months or more.

3. Retirement Eligibility: Regardless of time worked or appointment percentage, student titles are not eligible for retirement system benefits.

4. Sick Leave Accrual: Students may become eligible for sick leave accruals if they work a total of 50% FTE in a monthly or quadri-weekly cycle depending on their exemption status calculated by the time and attendance system.

5. Work Study: Departments may require student workers funded by work study to limit their work hours due to the maximum funding allowed per student.

6. Visa Restrictions: International students are restricted to on-campus employment of no more than 50% FTE during the academic terms - no exceptions. Employment may increase up to 100% during the intersession breaks (winter break, spring break, and summer break). International students should check with campus international office on restriction.

[1] If a student is enrolled less than half-time, the student can still be eligible if they are in their last semester or quarter of a course of study, and is enrolled in the number of units needed to complete the requirements of obtaining a degree.

2] The exception applies to all services performed during all payroll periods of a month or less that fall wholly or partially within the academic term.


  1. The student is classified in one of the following Non-Academic Student Employee job titles.
Employment ScenarioAppropriate Title



Undergraduate Students (incoming, current, on-break, or newly graduated):

  1. Currently registered – minimum of six (6) units
  2. Taking one quarter or semester off with intentto return
  3. Working duringthe summer and planning to re-enroll in the fall
  4. Just graduated and staying on for one (1) quarter or semester in an existing position to finishup projects or help with transition/training of new student employees
  5. Just graduated and working in a studentsummer program position in Conference Services, Recreation, Family Vacation Center, etc.
  6. Incoming student starting school in upcoming quarter or semester and working during the quarter prior to starting school


Note: Job Descriptions arerequired and retained by departments. Submission to and review by Human Resources (HR) is dependent on location.

If you havea student withJ-1 Visa seekingstudent employment, pleasework with yourinternational students and scholars office.

See Title Specifications belowCasual Restricted

2. Non-Academic Student Title Specifications

Location will determine which titles are appropriate for their location based on need. For example, a location may only have one (1) level of Student titles such as Student 1 or Student 4. Check TCS Inquiry to see what titles are extended at location:;jsessionid=BED9F096C32EC01C75E9D9F8F050C11F.tcsppsappp02-tcs .




Payroll Title

Title Specifications



Student 4


Under general supervision, Student 4's perform a variety of complex duties in support of academic research projects; perform clerical, manual, advising, and/or public contact duties that require the use of specialized skills, and may, in addition, coordinate the work of a group of lower level Students. The Student 4 classis distinguished fromthe Student 3 class by the greaterdegree of complexity involved in research and related assignments, more frequent use of specialized skills, and/or the responsibility for coordinating the work of a larger group of Students. Payment for hours worked must equal at least current minimum wage.



Student 3


Under general supervision, Student 3's perform a variety of skilled duties in support of academic research projects, studentadvising and contact with the public; perform clerical and manual duties that involve limited use of specialized skills; and may, in addition, coordinate the work of a group of lower level Students. The Student 3 class is distinguished from the Student 2 class by the greater use of specialized skillsand/or the responsibility for coordinating the work of one or more groupsof Students. Payment for hours workedmust equal at least current minimum wage.



Student 2


Under supervision, Student 2's perform a variety of clerical and/or manual related duties that are usually semi-skilled in nature and do notrequire extensive skill,training, or experience. The Student 2 class is distinguished from the Student 1 class in that the duties assigned at the Student 1 level are unskilled in nature and usually allow incumbents time for such activities as studying and reading. Payment for hours workedmust equal at least currentminimum wage.


Student 1Under close supervision, Student 1's perform a variety of unskilled clerical and/or manual related duties. The nature of duties assigned at this level may provide incumbents with free time for such activities as studying and reading. Incumbents may be required to have a general knowledge of the areas to which they are assigned. Payment for hours worked must equal at least current minimum wage.


Student Camp Program Offsite (exempt) BYA

To be used for students that are working at offsite camp; where they are staying with campers overnight. (e.g., UCLALake Arrowhead SummerCamp Counselors). Requires that camp be a separate

establishment under DOL Regulations. Use requires HR review and approval.




Payroll Title

Title Specifications


Student CampProgram Onsite (non-exempt)

To be usedfor students workingas camp counselors for on-campus programs. Payment for hours

worked mustequal at leastcurrent minimum wage.


Student Artistor Performer BYA

To be used forstudents performing at theatre productions, musical recitals, or similar typework. They receive nominal payment that is allowedonly for services and expenses. Compensation is paid as a flat

dollar amountthrough UCPath additional pay.


Student Clinical

To be usedfor students workingin labs or clinics. 



Student Events

To be used for students workingas ushers, eventstaff, or similartype work. Paymentfor hours worked

must equal at least current minimum wage.


Student Information


To be used forstudents performing help-desk duties, web pagedesign/programming, programming,

network maintenance, etc.Payment for hoursworked must equalat least currentminimum wage


Student Intramural Sports1

To be usedfor students serving as intramural sportscoaches, officials, supervisors, scorekeepers, or

functioning in similar roles.Payment for hoursworked must equalat least current minimum wage


Student Peer Counselor

To be used for students working for a peer counseling program; coaching and advising students, providing academic assistance to other students in an established program. Payment for hoursworked

must equalat least current minimum wage


Student Recreation 1

To be used for students facilitating, teaching, leading recreation activities such as swimming instructors, lifeguards, sports/fitness trainers, exercise assistant/trainer, etc. Payment for hours workedmust equal

at leastcurrent minimum wage.


Student Researcher

To be used for undergraduate students who are working under supervision of faculty performing research work. Approval from the Graduate Division is required for use by graduate students. Payment

for hours workedmust equal at least current minimum wage.


Student InternTo be used for students in paid internship positions; these are for UC students. Paid internships must meet minimum wage requirements.



Unpaid Student Intern - Unpaid student internships are for UC students who primarily receive training for their own educational benefit and mustmeet all sevenof the Department of Labor (DOL)internship criteria (see criteria at )

 -Unpaid Internsdo NOT needto be put into UCPathunless they needaccess to certaincampus systems, in which case they should be input as Contingent Workers.

Payment for hours workedmust equal at least currentminimum wage.



3. Special Student Situations



Payroll TitleEmployment Scenario


Class Type


Student Aid Outside Agency

To be used for students working for an eligible outside agency (usually non-profit), which in turn reimburses the University for their portion of the work-study program. This is virtually a pay vehicle for the non-profit agencies. If the agencyat which the student is working has fewer than25 employees, their minimum wage may be different from that of UC.


As a best practice, there should be an agreement between the location and third party related to responsibilities regarding these employees. If you are employing student employees that work for third party, you should workclosely with campuscounsel on obligations related to minimum wage,

wage andhours, etc.

Casual Restricted


Appointed Official, Student Activities BYA

To be used for students appointed to and serving official time on a Board or Student Activity committee (i.e. Chairperson of the Programming Board, Director of Activities Fairs,Pep Band Director, etc.).They receive nominalpayment that is allowed only for services and expenses. Compensation is paid as a flat dollar amount through UCPath additional pay.

Casual Restricted


Student Volunteer BYA

To be used forstudents who are volunteering but they receive nominal paymentthat is allowed only for services and expenses:

  1. Volunteering
  2. Notetaking for other students through Disabled Students Program Compensation is paidas a flat dollar amountthrough UCPath additional pay. Hourly paid student volunteers should be placed into another student title.

Unpaid student volunteers do NOT need to be put intoUCPath unless accessto certain UC systems are required, in which case they should be set up as a contingent worker. Bringing on unpaid

volunteers requires compliance with local campusvolunteer guidelines.

Casual Restricted







Payroll TitleEmployment Scenario


Class Type


Student Residence Hall Lead

To be used for students live-in or not live-in housing; who work daily with students in a lead capacity on an individual or group basisin a residence unit. Payment for hours worked mustequal at least current minimum wage.

If you hire someonethat is not a UC Student, you would use a Non-UC Student Titles or 4570 Resident Advisor 2

Casual Restricted


Student Residence Hall

To be used for students live-inor not live-in housing; who work dailywith students on an individual or group basis in a residence unit. Payment for hours worked must equal at least currentminimum wage

If you hiresomeone that is not a UCStudent you woulduse a Non-UC Student Titles or 4570 Resident Advisor 2

Casual Restricted


Student Residence Hall Lead BYA

To be used for students live-in or not live-in housing; who work daily with students in a lead capacity on an individual or group basisin a residence unit. They receive nominal payment that is allowed only for services and expenses. Compensation is paid as a flat dollar amount through UCPath additional pay and reflects deductions for room and board.

If you hiresomeone that is not a UCStudent you woulduse a Non-UC Student Title or 4570 Resident Advisor 2

Casual Restricted


Student Residence Hall BYA

To be used for students live-in or not live-in housing; who work daily withstudents on an individual or group basis in a residence unit. They receive nominal payment that is allowed only for services and expense. Compensation is paid as a flat dollar amount through UCPath additional pay and reflects deductions for room and board.

If you hire someonethat is not a UC Student you would use a Non-UCStudent Title or 4570 Resident Advisor 2

Casual Restricted