The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the downscaling of operations in certain parts of the campus, and staffing shortages in other areas. UCLA Campus Human Resources (CHR) has developed the Talent Match Program to provide job reassignment opportunities for current staff on the UCLA Campus and at UCLA Health.
UCLA Departments with Impacted Employees
How to notify CHR of impacted employees available for reassignment
UCLA departments with impacted employees that do not have work, please download and complete the Impacted Staff & Department Job Opportunities Form – Impacted Employee Tab” and email your form back to Michael Yates at myates@chr.ucla.edu
CHR will attempt to match your impacted staff with available reassignment job opportunities.
UCLA Departments with Temporary Reassignment Job Opportunies
How to notify CHR of temporary reassignment job opportunities
UCLA departments with job opportunities, please download and complete the Impacted Staff & Department Job Opportunities Form – Dept Job Opportunities Tab” and email your form back to Michael Yates at myates@chr.ucla.edu
CHR will attempt to match your job with an impacted staff member.
UCLA Staff Interested in Temporary Reassignment Job Opportunities
How staff can join the Talent Match pool for job opportunities
UCLA employees that are currently on payroll may join the Talent Match Pool by completing the Availability & Interest Form”
CHR will attempt to match you to available job opportunities. Please check with your supervisor before completing the form.
UCLA Students Interested in Student Jobs
UCLA student opportunities on Handshake
In an effort to help students find job opportunities, all UCLA student job opportunities will be posted on Handshake. Please visit the access link below to find and apply for jobs.
Departments will contact students directly, if selected, through the use of Handshake.