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Management & Senior Professionals (MSP)

Management & Senior Professionals (MSP)

Salary Ranges
Monthly Effective Date: 07/01/2016*
Biweekly Effective Date: 06/19/2016*

 Grade   Minimum25th Percentile Midpoint 75th Percentile Maximum
 MSP - 1 Annual 70,000 86,500 103,000 119,500 136,000
  Monthly 5,834 7,209 8,583 9,958 11,333
 Hourly 33.52 41.43 49.33 57.23 65.13
 MSP - 2 Annual 77,000 95,300 113,500 131,800 150,000
  Monthly 6,417 7,938 9,458 10,979 12,500
  Hourly 36.88 45.64 54.36 63.12 71.84
 MSP - 3 Annual 84,000 104,300 124,500 144,800 165,000
  Monthly 7,000 8,688 10,375 12,063 13,750
  Hourly 40.23 49.95 59.63 69.35 79.02
 MSP - 4 Annual 92,000 114,500 137,000 159,500 182,000
  Monthly 7,667 9,542 11,416 13,291 15,166
  Hourly 44.06 54.84 65.61 76.39 87.16
 MSP - 5 Annual 103,000 128,800 154,500 180,300 206,000
  Monthly 8,584 10,730 12,875 15,021 17,166
  Hourly 49.33 61.69 73.99 86.35 98.66
 MSP - 6** Annual 113,000 141,500 170,000 198,500 227,000***
  Monthly 9,417 11,792 14,166 16,541 18,916
  Hourly 54.12 67.77 81.42 95.07 108.72
 MSP - 7** Annual 123,000 167,000 211,000  255,000 299,000
  Monthly 10,250 13,917 17,583 21,250 24,916
  Hourly 58.91 79.98 101.05 122.13 143.20
 MSP - 8** Annual 133,000 182,300 231,500 280,800 330,000
  Monthly 11,084 15,188 19,291 23,396 27,500
  Hourly 63.70 87.31 110.87 134.48 158.05
 MSP - 9** Annual 149,000 202,000 255,000 308,000 361,000
  Monthly 12,417 16,834 21,250 25,667 30,083
  Hourly 71.36 96.74 122.13 147.51 172.89
 MSP - 10** Annual  164,000 221,000 278,000 335,000 392,000
  Monthly 13,667 18,417 23,166 27,916 32,666
  Hourly 78.54 105.84 133.14 160.44 187.74

*Until the 2016 Merit Increases are effective, the current 2015 ranges still apply. Please see Related Information for the 2015 salary ranges.

MSP increases should result in annual salaries that are rounded to the nearest $100.

**For Management and Senior Professionals (MSP) positions, any salary actions that will result in total annual cash compensation (including salary, any stipend or bonus/incentive award) exceeding $301,000 require prior review by Campus Human Resources for approval by the Chancellor and reporting to the President and the Regents.

***Any MSP base salary actions above the maximum of MSP 6 require prior review by Campus Human Resources and approval by the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost.


Campus Human Resources, Compensation Services
Phone: (310) 794-0880 | Fax: (310) 794-0875