Manager as Coach - Coaching Resources
In today’s dynamic work environment, coaching has become a “must-have” skill for successful managers. That’s because coaching is an effective way for leaders to engage, develop and promote high performance among their employees and teams.
Explore the resources below and discover how managers can facilitate employee growth and culture-building using a coaching model.
A PDF version of this page is available here for your convenience.
- UCLA Live Courses from Campus Human Resource Learning & Organizational Development (CHR L&OD)
- CHR L&OD One-on-One Coaching
- Articles Online
- E-learning: UC
- E-learning: LinkedIn Learning
- E-learning: Coursera
- Online Resources by other UC Campuses
- Guidelines and Assessments
- Podcasts and Webinars
- Books
Live Courses from UCLA Campus Human Resources Learning & Organizational Development
Registration for these courses is via the UC Learning Center (lms.ucla.edu). If the course does not appear when searched for, search again a few weeks later; courses only appear in search results when a future session date is on the calendar.
Coaching for Improvement
This course is part of the Management Development Certificate suite, and is targeted for managers in MSP or PSS-5 classifications (or the equivalent).
Coaching for Improvement helps leaders conduct effective improvement discussions and provide feedback and ongoing support needed to improve performance. Objectives are to help leaders:
- Encourage others to take charge of improving performance and altering work habits, develop an improvement plan, and measure their progress.
- Prepare for and conduct successful improvement discussions.
- Handle specific challenges that might occur during such discussions.
- Foster morale and productivity by addressing performance and work-habit issues in a firm, fair, and consistent manner.
Coaching Using Feedback
Providing staff members feedback on their work – both for correction and reinforcement – is a cornerstone of good performance management. Coaching employees using feedback is critical to a supervisor's success, yet many don't do it often enough (or at all). This one-hour session provides an effective, step-by-step how-to for giving team members the feedback they need to be successful and engaged in their work.
One-On-One Manager Coaching with UCLA Campus Human Resources Learning & Organizational Development
Members of the Learning & Organizational Development team offer individual guidance to leaders on how to best coach their staff members and teams. For more information, e-mail training@chr.ucla.edu or call (310) 794-0850.
Articles Online
- 4 Tips for Improving Your On-The-Spot Coaching | Baird Group | https://baird-group.com/4-tips-for-improving-your-on-the-spot-coaching
- 7 Coaching Tips for Managers and Leaders | Association for Talent Development | https://www.td.org/professional-partner-content/7-coaching-tips-for-managers-and-leaders
- 7 Steps to Coaching Your Employees to Success | Entrepreneur.com | https://www.entrepreneur.com/growing-a-business/7-steps-to-coaching-your-employees-to-success/220133
- The Best Ways for Coaching an Employee in the Workplace | Indeed | https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/coaching-an-employee
- Coaching for Change | Harvard Business Review | https://hbr.org/2019/09/coaching-for-change
- Effective Coaching Techniques in the Workplace: Tips to Ignite Potential | Ej4 | https://www.ej4.com/blog/effective-coaching-techniques-in-the-workplace-tips-to-ignite-potential
- How to Coach Your Team to Success: 5 Key Tips for Managers | https://www.betterup.com/blog/coaching-team
- The Leader as Coach | Harvard Business Review | https://hbr.org/2019/11/the-leader-as-coach
- Most Managers Don’t Know How to Coach People. But They Can Learn | Harvard Business Review | https://hbr.org/2018/08/most-managers-dont-know-how-to-coach-people-but-they-can-learn
- Three Essential Coaching Skills for Managers | Forbes | https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2020/01/03/three-essential-coaching-skills-for-managers/?sh=8c92214ce8c3
- What Happens when Managers Become Coaches? | Small Improvements | https://www.small-improvements.com/blog/managers-become-coaches/
- Why Coaching Matters: How Leaders Can Become Better Coaches and Build Stronger Teams | Forbes | https://www.forbes.com/sites/chriswestfall/2019/07/04/coaching-matters-how-leaders-become-better-coaches-build-stronger-teams/?sh=2cf412fe405e
E-Learning - UC
UC E-learning courses are registered for, and delivered, via the UC Learning Center (lms.ucla.edu).
UC Performance Management: Coaching for Performance and Development
Coaching for Performance and Development is the seventh course in the eight-part UC Performance Management Series. The series provides the fundamentals of performance management, including important information, tools and resources needed to support UC people managers in their roles. Learners are encouraged to download the Participant Playbook found within the course and use it, and the other resources in the course, to help capture key concepts, complete exercises, and use as a reference back on the job. Direct link: https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D191403%26UserMode%3D0
E-Learning - LinkedIn Learning
The following course titles are available through LinkedIn Learning. All UCLA staff and faculty have free access to LinkedIn Learning, and access instructions/options are based on your work location. Details on registering for your free access can be found under the “How to Register” heading on this page: https://chr.ucla.edu/lod-e-learning-linkedin
Coaching and Developing Employees
Harness the power of coaching in the workplace. Learn how to shift from a command-and-control style of management to a manager-as-coach style of leadership to transform employee engagement and bottom-line results. Join leadership and negotiation coach Lisa Gates, as she explains how to establish a coaching relationship with your reports. Lisa shows how skills like open-ended question asking, listening, challenging for growth, and accountability can increase your employees' autonomy and problem-solving capacities. The course includes assessments, exercises, and tools to help your team capture goals, map a career trajectory, and accelerate growth, along with sample coaching conversations help you see these tips in practice and understand their potential impact on your people, productivity, and results
Coaching Skills for Leaders and Managers
Leaders who provide targeted, ongoing coaching to their employees can strengthen their team and add value to their organization. In this course, leadership expert Sara Canaday shares the differences between managing, training, and coaching, and provides managers with coaching models and skills to support the development and growth of their employees. Sara presents the business case for coaching, explores common coaching challenges, and explains how to provide feedback and set goals.
Executive Coaching
Leadership isn't a skill you ever finish learning. Rather, it continues to develop over time, with each problem and project adding new reference points and skills to your toolkit. Executive coaches guide leaders through this learning process, supporting them as they discover how to lead even more effectively. If you're interested in executive coaching—or just want to learn practical new leadership strategies—this course can help. Here, join UCLA professor and executive coach John Ullmen, PhD, as he explores the transformational features of executive coaching. John explains how to build a coaching relationship with an executive or leader, establish an informed development plan, take measures to support your leader's progress, and accelerate your growth as a coach.
E-Learning - Coursera
The online courses below are available at no charge through Coursera.
Managing as a Coach (Beginner) – Taught by UC Davis
Do you (or do you want to) manage employees? Do you know how to get better performance out of those you manage? Are you unsure if you are communicating effectively? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then this course is for you.
Enroll at: https://www.coursera.org/learn/managing-as-a-coach
Coaching Conversations (Intermediate) – Taught by UC Davis
By the end of this course, you will know effective strategies to successfully conduct coaching conversations with those that you lead. Note: This course builds on previous courses in the Coaching Skills for Managers specialization with an emphasis on the 5 whys technique, resisting what is, and the Thought model.
Enroll at: https://www.coursera.org/learn/coaching-conversations
Coaching Skills for Managers Specialization (Intermediate) – Taught by UC Davis
Become a more effective manager by learning proven techniques to coach your people to higher performance.
Enroll at: https://www.coursera.org/specializations/coaching-skills-manager
Designing and Implementing Your Coaching Strategy – Taught by UC Davis
In order to be an effective manager in increasingly fast-paced and complex organizational environments, coaching skills to develop and get the best work out of employees has become essential.
Please take note that this course builds upon all previous courses in the Coaching Skills for Managers specialization. While not required, it is highly recommended that students complete or be familiar with the topics covered in those courses before taking this course in order to be most prepared for the assignments in this course. By the end of this project-based course, you will have developed and refined your entire coaching strategy to roll out with your team. Specifically, you will be able to define your coaching philosophy and explain it to someone else, develop a tailored coaching practice along with coaching agendas for your team in alignment with your organization's goals, and have an effective and productive coaching conversation with those you supervise.
Enroll at: https://www.coursera.org/learn/design-coaching-strategy
Conversations that Inspire: Coaching Learning, Leadership and Change – Taught by Case Western University
Coaching can inspire and motivate people to learn, change, and be effective leaders, among other roles in life. Although most attempts are “coaching for compliance” (coaching someone to your wishes or expectations), decades of behavioral and neuroscience research show us that “coaching with compassion” (coaching someone to their dreams and desires) is more effective.
Enroll at: https://www.coursera.org/learn/leadership-coaching
Online Resources by other UC Campuses
- GROW Model Resources Guide (Word Doc) – UC Office of the President - https://www.ucop.edu/local-human-resources/_files/learning-development/grow-resource-guide.docx
- Growing as a Coach Reference Materials (PDF) - UC Berkeley, People & Culture Department
https://hr.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/growing_as_a_coach_electronic_materials_dec2020.pdf - Remote Supervision & Coaching ≠ Micromanagement (Google Doc) - UC Berkeley, People & Culture Department
Guidelines / Assessments
- Aids for Giving and Receiving Feedback by former UCLA professor George P. J. Lehner, Ph.D. | McMaster University shared documents | https://healthsci.mcmaster.ca/docs/librariesprovider125/partners---resources-perks/aids-for-giving-receiving-feedback.pdf?sfvrsn=fa83c6c4_0
- Manager Diagnostic: How Effective Are You at Developing Your Employees? (Assessment) | Gartner | https://www.gartner.com/document/code/453540
Podcasts, Webinars, and More
- Animated Book Review: The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier
(6 minutes) Animated core message from Michael Bungay Stanier's book 'The Coaching
Watch at: https://youtu.be/YID6l9T-ksc - Interview/Conversation: The Coaching Habit: Michael Bungay Stanier & Marshall Goldsmith
(5 minutes) Michael Bungay Stanier is the senior partner of Box of Crayons, a company best known for its coaching programs that help organizations do less Good Work and more Great Work. In this conversation, Michael and leadership expert Marshall Goldsmith talk about one of the patterns of leadership behavior that needs to shift, Michael calls it the Advice Trap.
Watch at: https://youtu.be/oTk0Cz7yRNI - Podcast: Coaching for Potential
Every episode revolves around using and improving leadership skills—often focused on coaching—that unlocks the potential in you and your team members.
Listen at: https://coachingforpotential.podbean.com - Webinar: 10 Coaching Skills Every Leader Should Master
(53 minutes) Sponsored by the Emory University Professional Development Office, this program teaches about the important coaching skills that can help new and experienced leaders be more effective, such as creating a safe space for your employees, active listening, and how to guide instead of advise in order to empower your employees and peers.
Watch at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1FhcR8xyd4 - Webinar: Coaching Your Employees
(60 minutes) In this interactive Harvard Business Review webinar, Ed Batista, experienced executive coach and co-author of the HBR Guide to Coaching Your Employees, shares insights from this Guide and from his extensive coaching experience. Batista describes how you can improve your coaching skills, create realistic and inspiring plans for people’s growth, customize your approach, and provide employees the support they need to achieve peak performance.
Watch at: https://hbr.org/2014/09/coaching-your-employees - Webinar: Developing Coaching Skills for Leaders
(51 minutes) In this webinar, you'll learn: the role coaching plays in being a great leader. The program focuses on how to adopt the right mindset for holding effective coaching conversations, and understanding of the coaching framework and the four key coaching skills necessary for successful day-to-day coaching conversations.
Watch at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDPW1wP6S1U - Webinar: Improving Feedback with Neuroscience
(58 minutes) This webinar replay, based on the work of the NeuroLeadership Institute, looks at the neuroscience behind giving employee feedback to uncover how to change the negative association into a neutral or positive one. This insight combined with best practice examples is designed to help L&D professionals structure feedback discussions that are open, evidence-based, and forward-looking. Note: all UCLA employees have access to Gartner Resources; access information can be found here.
Watch at: https://www.gartner.com/document/code/453649 - Webinar: Key Coaching Skills to be an Effective Leader: Active Listening and Asking Powerful Questions
(58 minutes) Two of the basic leadership coaching skills’ “must haves” are active listening and powerful questions. This webinar discusses how to incorporate these skills into your leadership approach and explores the benefits of adding these coaching skills to your leadership toolkit and when and how to use these coaching skills.
Watch at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0mB977kKLc
- The Coaching Effect: What Great Leaders Do to Increase Sales, Enhance Performance, and Sustain Growth by Bill Eckstrom and Sarah Wirth
- Coaching for performance: The principles and practice of coaching and leadership by J. Whitmore
- The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever by Michael Bungay Stanier
- Coaching skills for leaders in the workplace: How to unlock potential and maximize performance by J. Arnold
- Manager as coach: The new way to get results by J. Rogers, J, et al
- A Manager's Guide to Coaching: Simple and Effective Ways to Get the Best From Your Employees by Anne Loehr and Brian Emerson
- Performance conversations: How to use questions to coach employees, improve productivity and boost confidence by C. Lee
- Unlocking potential: 7 coaching skills that transform individuals, teams and organizations by M. Simpson