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Navigating Tips

The Campus Human Resources (CHR) portal is loaded with essential information, helpful resources, printer-friendly forms, and applications that are accessible 24 hours a day. The content is designed to meet the needs of a variety of visitors including employees, faculty, students, annuitants, external job candidates, Human Resources representatives, and supervisors.

Whether you’re a first time user or are a frequent visitor, finding the information you need—quickly and easily—is essential to the effectiveness of the portal. There are two distinct ways to find material: use the navigation bar on the left side of the portal or the search function at the top right of the page.

Navigation Bar

The navigation bar lists specific employee-related sections of the portal.

  • Benefits
  • Career Opportunities
  • Child Care
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Employee Counseling
  • Management & Supervision
  • Policies & Labor Contracts
  • Staff Diversity
  • Training & Development
  • Workers’ Compensation
  • HR Administration

The last entry on the navigation bar, HR Administration, is designed exclusively for departmental human resource managers and staff. It contains information targeted to their requirements.

  • Compensation & Classification
  • Personnel Transactions
  • Recruiting & Hiring

To use the navigation bar, simply scroll over the area of interest and click. This will take you to a corresponding overview page where you can find more detailed subjects and information. 

Search Function

In the upper right corner of the portal page is the search function, which can help reduce the number of “clicks” to find a particular topic. Here are some easy-to-use tips for optimizing your results on the search function.

  1. Make your key words as precise as possible. For example, if you're looking for information on the 2014-15 Merit Pay Plan, don't type in salary or pay. You'll get too much general information about compensation and not enough specific details about the Merit Plan.
  2. Search for a phrase. You can search for exact phrases by putting quotation marks around a set of words, e.g., “new employee.”
  3. Place AND (in all caps) between your terms to ensure that both terms are contained in every returned page, e.g., faculty AND housing.
  4. Make sure you spell the key words correctly. If you typed "harrassement" as a key word, your search would prompt the following: “Did you mean: harassment?”
  5. Use descriptive words. The more unique the word, the more likely you are to get relevant results. Keep in mind though, that even if the word has the correct meaning, if it's not the one most people use, it may not match the pages you need.
  6. Don't worry about upper or lower case. Search isn't case sensitive. A search for UCLA is the same as a search for ucla.