To: Deans, Directors, Department Chairs and Administrative Officers
Dear Colleagues:
You will recall that last April, we extended the timeframe for conducting performance evaluations for Fiscal Year 2019-20 until this fall, based on flexibility provided by the UC President. UCLA’s senior leadership has requested that campus departments complete this process before the end of October, 2020.
In the current environment, it is more important than ever for faculty and staff in a supervisory role to have meaningful discussions with staff regarding their accomplishments, as well as setting goals and expectations. Performance reviews are a key component of employee development and are required annually as described in Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) 23 (PDF).
For staff reviews, please use the streamlined Performance Evaluation Form (DOCX), along with the Performance Evaluation Guide (DOCX) that clearly explains the performance management process. In addition, the Employee Self-Appraisal Form (DOCX) is recommended for inclusion in the review process so that employees can summarize their contributions.
The following resources are available to assist with the performance management process:
- Virtual Performance Management Refresher sessions are being conducted via Zoom. Supervisors can visit the UC Learning Center to register for a workshop.
- UC People Management eCourses can be completed at any time in 30 to 60 minutes.
- Gartner Painless Performance Conversations Workbook (PDF) offers helpful tips and templates for preparing and delivering performance feedback.
- A department-specific, Performance Management Refresher can be conducted, schedule permitting, by our Training & Development team, by emailing Rejeana Mathis at or David Fuller at
If you have any questions about resources to support the performance evaluation process, please contact Rejeana Mathis at
Lubbe Levin
Associate Vice Chancellor
Campus Human Resources