1. Why should I invest the time to complete this certificate? Will it benefit my career in any way?
Being open to learning new concepts and new approaches is one of the keys to success in any career path. Earning a certificate is not a certain path to the executive level. However, you will be exposed to new skills in managing people and if you work on further developing these skills and asking for feedback on how you are doing as a people manager, then you are very likely to grow professionally. You will also be able to put this certificate on your resume, LinkedIn profile, etc. and it shows that you are committed to developing your people management skills. It also adds to your credibility as it will be recognized across the entire UC system.
2. How will I receive my People Management Certificate?
On a monthly basis, we will review completions and you will receive an acknowledgement email confirming your attainment of the People Management Certificate. In addition, the certificate will be part of your permanent learning record and can be printed from the Learning Management System if you’d like to display it.
3. I have already completed some of the courses required for the certificate. Can I get credit for them?
Credit will be given for any course completed in January 2012 or later, in order to provide a 5-year “look back”. Going back any further is not recommended as we continually update our course material due to the changing nature of the workforce and the evolution of employment policies.
4. I completed some of the Lynda.com courses. How can I get credit for them?
Lynda.com courses are completed outside of the LMS and therefore will not result in an automatic completion of the certificate. If you have chosen Lynda.com courses as electives, please email your completion certificates to training@chr.ucla.edu once you have met all other certificate requirements.
5. Currently, I am not a people manager but aspire to this role at some point in my career. Am I eligible to earn the certificate?
Yes, earning the certificate will give you insights into what the role entails and help you determine if being a people manager is the right fit for you. The only restriction is that you will not be able to enroll in the UCLA Management Development Certificate Program (MDC) courses. The MDC courses include exercises and material specifically designed for individuals who are high-level supervisors and have already attained a management role.