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The University of California, Los Angeles extends appreciation to employees for their service. Recognition awards are granted to all staff employees who complete 10 or more years of University service at one-half time or more.

Staff Service Award Gift Levels

 Years of Services

Gift Level 

 10 and 15 

 UCLA Lapel Pin Program

20 to 45+

 Gift Choice Program

Procedures for Ordering Lapel Pins and Gift Selections

Lapel Pins

Step 1: Upon reaching years of service milestones, Staff Personnel Policy is responsible for:

  • Notifying the department of the employees years of service
  • Forwarding the employees name, address (as listed in UCPath) and years of service to the vendor

Step 2: Lapel Pins and certificates will be mailed to the employee.

Gift Choice Program

Step 1: Upon reaching years of service milestones, Staff Personnel Policy is responsible for:

  • Notifying the department of the employees years of service
  • Notifying the employee of gift choice program and providing ordering instructions
  • Forwarding the employee’s name, user name, password and years of service to the vendor

Step 2: Employee is responsible for:

  • Ordering from gift selection online
  • Providing appropriate mailing address to the vendor

For assistance, please contact your CHR Personnel Services representative: