General FAQs
JDXpert is a robust position description repository and management system with a workflow engine for position classification and reclassification requests.
JDXpert, UCLA’s new position description management system, is scheduled to go live on March 12, 2024. JDXpert will replace portions of the PeopleAdmin Compensation module.
The March Go-Live of JDXpert will impact all current PeopleAdmin users (e.g., Department Submitters and Preparers).
Yes. All of the UC locations except two, at this time, are using JDXpert. Each UC location has configured its instance of JDXpert to meet the needs of that specific location.
Career Tracks Job Standards and Series Concepts will be referenced in JDXpert.
With PeopleAdmin the campus has used the terminology "job descriptions." With the implementation of JDXpert, the terminology of job descriptions will now be referenced as "position descriptions."
JDXpert is being utilized to maintain position descriptions and classify all policy-covered (non-represented) and represented staff positions, including the following appointment types and categories:
- Career
- Partial year career
- Contract
- Limited
- Per Diem
This is inclusive of all positions in the Professional & Support Staff (PSS) and Management & Senior Professionals (MSP) personnel programs
With the implementation of JDXpert, all staff positions in Career, Partial-Year Career, Contract, Limited, and Per Diem appointment types will be required to have a position description classified in JDXpert. However, for limited positions, CHR Compensation will allow for less detailed information in limited position descriptions. For example, the amount of information entered in the Summary, Key Responsibilities and Qualifications sections can be less than what is typically expected in a Career, Partial Year Career or Contract position.
New position requests, updates to existing positions, and requests for reclassifications will be processed in JDXpert.
The last day departments were able to submit a new or existing job description or job classification request to CHR Compensation in PeopleAdmin was Friday, February 16, 2024. The last day to submit job description updates in PeopleAdmin that do not require CHR Compensation review is Monday, March 4, 2024.
Job classification requests submitted in PeopleAdmin during the Job Classification Moratorium from Tuesday, February 20 – Monday, March 11, 2024 must be resubmitted in JDXpert beginning Tuesday, March 12, 2024 .
Designated HR representatives will request compensation actions such as administrative stipends, dual-employment, and equity requests, by submitting a request in the Bruin CHR Service Center.
JDXpert is a much more robust and intuitive position description management system than PeopleAdmin. As we configured JDXpert, we made sure to incorporate aspects that worked well in PeopleAdmin as well as industry best practices that will enable departments to create position descriptions more quickly and efficiently.
The JDXpert system does not change current policy regarding review of changes to position descriptions. Currently, departments can make minor updates, but any substantive changes will continue to require submission to CHR Compensation.
Access to JDXpert is granted by Departmental Security Administrators (DSAs). Please contact your organization HR leadership to determine if your local DSA can grant access to you.
Contact your supervisor/manager to learn which JDXpert role has been provisioned for you.
Existing Job Descriptions in PeopleAdmin Pre Go-Live
Departments will not be required to complete PeopleAdmin position description updates for data migration efforts, except as required in the normal course of business. Validated position descriptions that do not represent the employee’s current job classification in UCPath will be updated by the JDXpert project team upon data migration to JDXpert.
The JDXpert team intends to migrate position description data for active employees and open recruitments from PeopleAdmin into JDXpert. However, because of differences in formatting and data required, position descriptions need to be updated by departments and routed to CHR Compensation for review and classification/finalization in JDXpert before these position descriptions are available for selection in the iCIMS Library. Please plan to update position descriptions for classification as soon as JDXpert goes live to ensure your department/organization can create job requisitions in iCIMS.
There are several PeopleAdmin job descriptions that still have the legacy classification shown on the job description. When the job description details are migrated from PeopleAdmin to JDXpert, CHR Compensation will convert legacy titles to the approved Career Track classifications. This will eliminate the need for departments to take action to update legacy titles to Career Track titles prior to migration.
CHR Compensation worked closely with departments to complete the job description identification and validation process, in order to locate and validate job descriptions for all active staff employees. With the efforts complete, we are migrating job description data from PeopleAdmin to JDXpert before go-live. Any position descriptions for current Career, Partial-Year Career, and Contract staff that were not located during these efforts will need be recreated manually in JDXpert.
The JDXpert team will be working with Talent Acquisition team to identify all open recruitments prior to JDXpert go-live in order to migrate those job descriptions.
JDXpert Position Description System Functionality FAQs
Upon initiation of a new action/request, the initiator will designate the other participants (e.g., Submitters, Ad-Hoc participants, Compensation Consultants, etc.). The Point of Contact information field is only necessary and intended to be used if the main point of contact for the request is someone other than the Submitter.
JDXpert will allow a user to download the position description into a read-only Word document. JDXpert also has an Ad-hoc participant feature built into the system that allows in system collaboration with other individuals.
Generally, degree or educational requirements need to be aligned with the position content. In JDXpert, Career Tracks Job Standards will display reference information including the education, license, and/or certification requirements for the position. However, this information will not auto-populate into the position description and the department will be required to specify the education, license, and/or certification details in each position description. The CHR Compensation Consultants will continue to assess the alignment to Career Tracks job standards and Classification Specifications, in their review and approval process. Please also refer to the CHR Degree Guidelines for more information: https://chr.ucla.edu/hr-administration/guidelines-for-use-of-degrees-in-job-postings.
The new JDX position description template provides the necessary fields for a department to enter special requirements for positions, e.g., background check, DMV record. These fields do not auto-populate. For critical positions, e.g., HR positions, the special requirements, in accordance with UC policy and UCLA practice, must be entered in the appropriate special requirements fields in JDXpert.
Yes. JDXpert has a “version compare” feature that shows newly added information and removed items.
JDXpert provides the ability to download a position description into any of the following formats: HTML, PDF, and Word (read only).
Currently in PeopleAdmin, employee names appear on position descriptions. In JDXpert, an employee is connected to their position description by their position number in UCPath. Numerous employees can have an identical position description but each JDXpert position description must be associated with the corresponding UCPath position number(s). Position descriptions are intended to be representative of the business needs of the department and the scope of work that will be performed in the role and are not employee specific.
An update must be processed in UCPath that reflects the appropriate supervisory relationship in the UCPath Reports To field.
Changes to information in UCPath that impact an employee’s job data are currently expected to require two calendar days to process and appear in JDXpert after the information has been entered into UCPath.
The position description will need to be updated in JDXpert and reviewed by CHR Compensation to determine if the position description should be made available in the iCIMS job library.
JDXpert Training FAQs
Instructor-led training will take place from Wednesday, February 21 – Friday, March 8. Training resources such as on-demand training videos and quick reference guides (QRGs) will be available beginning the week of March 4 on the JDXpert Training page.
The week of March 11 a training resource will be available to assist individuals in different JDXpert roles with locating and viewing position descriptions.
Training materials such as online videos and quick reference guides will be available on the JDXpert Training page beginning the week of Monday, March 4. Recordings of instructor-led trainings will be edited and uploaded as eLearnings through the UC Learning Center and be available beginning the week of Monday, March 11. Additionally, office hours will take place from Tuesday, March 12 through Tuesday, March 26 to provide targeted support to users.
The JDXpert instructor-led training will be recorded, edited, and posted as eLearnings on the UC Learning Center. Individuals can access on-demand training at any time after JDXpert goes live, and additionally will have access to online videos and quick reference guides.