JDXpert is a robust position description management system and workflow engine for position classification and reclassification requests. JDXpert will replace the current position description management system in PeopleAdmin.
- Modern and intuitive user interface
- Simplified entry with help text, drop-down selections, drag and drop features, auto-populated fields, and historical data
- Conditional logic that only shows relevant fields
- Extensive content library to aid in building position descriptions
- Embedded links to important reference information such as policies and procedures
- Increased transparency into status of position description review and approval
- Access to individual and direct report position descriptions
Target Go Live
March 12, 2024
JDXpert Access
Beginning March 12, 2024, individuals who have been provisioned the appropriate DACSS function code and role, for Department Preparer, Submitter, or Unit Specific Viewer, will be able to access JDXpert to process position description as well as classification/reclassification requests. Please work with your CAO, DSA, and HR leadership to determine if you should be provisioned any of these roles for your department. Once approved by your CAO and/or HR Leadership, and provisioned by your DSA, you are encouraged to refer to the following resources before submitting your requests in the new system.