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Procedure 2 - Definition of Terms

Supplemental Definitions of Terms

  • Applicant — Anyone who applies for a position open for recruitment. The campus does not have the responsibility to collect applicant flow data for all applicants, only for those applicants that are defined as "candidates."
  • Applicant Flow Data — The gender/ethnic demographic profile of all candidates for a position open for recruitment. As a federal contractor, the University is required to maintain applicant flow data.
  • Call Back — The period an employee is called back to work without prior notice after completing his or her regular work schedule and having left the premises.
  • Candidate — An applicant who meets the minimum requirements for the job and will be considered further in the selection process. The campus has the responsibility to collect applicant flow data on all candidates considered for a position open for recruitment.
  • CHR — Campus Human Resources
  • Delegation of Authority — The transfer of authority for specific administrative functions from a central office level to an organizational level.
  • Department Head — The chairperson of a department or the head of an administrative or other unit as designated by the Campus Organizational Hierarchy.
  • Designee — Representative to whom the Organization Head has redelegated authority.
  • Dual Employment — Employment status that permits a full-time employee to work overtime in another department, or in a different class in the same department.
  • Limited Recruited as Career — A position which is filled by an incumbent who had been recruited as though the position were career. Within a year this position may be changed to a career position without re-posting as a career opening and the incumbent thereby designated as a career employee.
Appointment Types

Career: A career appointment is established at a fixed or variable percentage of time at 50 percent or more of full-time, which is expected to continue for one year or longer. In addition, a career appointment may be originally designated as a limited position, but held by the same incumbent for thirteen consecutive months at 50 percent or more of full-time. An employee appointed to a career position shall be considered a career employee in that position.

Contract: An employee appointed to a contract position shall be considered a contract employee in that position.

Limited: A limited appointment is an appointment established at any percentage of time, fixed or variable, during which the appointee is expected to be on pay status for less than 1,000 hours in a 12-month period

Partial-Year Career: An employee appointed to a partial-year career position shall be considered a partial-year career employee in that position.

Per Diem: A Per Diem appointment is one that adds to or substitutes for career and limited appointments on a pre-scheduled basis or as needed on a day-to-day basis as determined by the University. Employees who hold Per Diem appointments may be scheduled or not scheduled or called off from a pre-established schedule. Additionally, a Per Diem employee's eligibility for scheduling may be discontinued at any time without notice and without cause at the sole discretion of the University and without recourse to the complaint resolution procedures. (See UC Policy 24, Per Diem Positions.)

Interview Pool — The interview pool consists of the candidates who will be interviewed for the position. The UCLA Affirmative Action Form A-Interview and Hire Record must be completed and retained within the department for three years.

Merit Increase — A within range salary increase granted to employees in career positions based on performance and other factors.

MSP — Management and Senior Professional Program.

Organization Head — The head of each organization (e.g., Vice Chancellor, Provost, Dean or Librarian), as defined by the Campus Organizational Hierarchy.

Protective Work Clothing — Attire worn over or in place of regular clothing to protect the employee's clothing from damage or abnormal soiling or to maintain a sanitary environment. This includes such items as serving aprons, laboratory coats or dresses, shop coats, and surgical gowns.

PSS — Professional and Support Staff. Employee group comprising employees in six classification grades below MSP which resulted from the merging of the former A&PS and Staff Personnel programs.

Redelegation of Authority — Authority transferred to the next level.

Safety Equipment — Protects the employee and includes such items as head covers, gloves, goggles, prescription safety glasses, safety shoes, handguns, batons, and handcuffs.

Salary Grade — A salary grade consists of a group of job classifications in a given salary range.

Salary Range:

Minimum Salary — The lowest salary rate within a given job title. No individual salary shall fall below the minimum.

Salary Midpoint — Calculated sum of the salary range minimum and maximum divided by two.

Maximum Salary — The highest salary rate in the range within a given job title. No individual salary shall be above the maximum salary rate in the range of a job title.

SMG — Senior Management Group. Retitling of former Executive program.

Tier 1 — First level of personnel program composed of PSS employees.

Tier 2 — Second level of personnel program composed of SMG and MSP employees.

Trial Employment — Temporary employment which may be offered under the following circumstances:

  1. to a disabled employee or former employee who was medically separated, when recommended by the Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor and approved by the Assistant Vice Chancellor, CHR. Such trial employment may be offered to evaluate the disabled individual's interests and abilities. The length of trial employment shall not exceed one year. Positions used for trial employment shall be designated as limited; and
  2. to an employee who has been preferentially rehired for a period of up to six (6) months. Such trial employment may be terminated by either party during that period and the employee returned to the layoff pool for the period remaining before the commencement of the trial employment.

Refer to UC-PPSM 60 (Layoff and Reduction in Time from Professional and Support Staff Career Positions), UC-PPSM 81 (Reasonable Accommodation) and to UCLA's PPSM Procedures for UC-PPSM 60.

  • UC-PPSM — University of California Personnel Policies for Staff Members. Also referred to as PPSM.
  • Uniforms — Attire, excluding shoes, which are worn for the purpose of ready visual identification of personnel, such as those used in the police, parking, and guard occupations. Uniform components include items such as shirts, ties, pants, dresses, skirts, blouses, and jackets which are of the same design, color and style.