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Procedure 36 – Classification of Positions

A. Authority

Authority for maintaining the position classification system resides with Campus Human Resources (CHR). Staff positions are assigned to a classification title and pay grade on the basis of the work performed and skill and competency requirements of the position. As the core functions and job duties of a position change, a position may be reclassified.

B. Responsibility

  1. It is the responsibility of the CHR Compensation Unit to determine the appropriate classification title and pay grade of a position, except where such authority is specifically re-delegated.
  2. It is the responsibility of Organization Heads (or designees) to:
    1. Determine the essential functions and requirements for positions within their organization and ensure that job descriptions are established and maintained in accordance with this policy.
    2. Submit job descriptions for new or replacement positions to Compensation for classification and pay grade determination.
    3. Submit job descriptions where there is a significant and lasting change in the core functions and job duties of an existing position to Compensation for classification and pay grade determination. This approval shall be obtained prior to making any commitment concerning reclassification to the individual.

C. Job Descriptions

  1. Job descriptions shall include:
    1. Summary statement (major purpose of position and its role in the department)
    2. Core functions and essential and marginal job duties
    3. Degree of supervision indicating who assigns work, degree of independence and other guidelines
    4. Requirements (skills, knowledge, ability, and behavioral competencies)
    5. Signatures of the employee, immediate supervisor, and department head on the Job Description
    6. Date when the job description is approved or updated
    7. Current organization chart
    8. Special requirements (e.g., critical position, conflict of interest, licenses, certificates, credentials, etc.)
  2. The incumbent and supervisor review the job description as needed to ensure that it accurately describes the core functions and duties of the position.
  3. Instructions for completing the job description can be found on the UCLA Campus Human Resources Compensation web site.

D. Classification Review Procedures 

  1. New or Replacement Positions: The organization head or designee prepares the job description for new or replacement positions. Master job descriptions may be used when a department has multiple positions performing the same core functions and duties. The job description is forwarded to Compensation for review. Compensation determines the appropriate classification title and pay grade and notifies the department. When a new or replacement position is to be posted, a job requisition is also submitted.
  2. Reclassification of Existing Positions
    1. In the event of a significant and lasting change in the job duties and responsibilities of an existing position, the organization head or designee submits the following to Compensation for review:
      1. Current job description
      2. Proposed job description with both management and employee signatures
      3. Cover letter outlining the changes in the position since last reviewed
      4. Organizational chart indicating the position under review
      5. Supplemental information as required (e.g., questionnaire, survey)
      6. Signature of organization head or designee
      7. Date of request
    2. Non-probationary career employees may initiate a classification review by submitting a completed Classification Review Request Form and submitting it to Compensation as indicated on the form. This request should include the following materials:
      1. Classification Review Request Form
      2. Current job description
      3. Proposed job description with both management and employee signatures
      4. Cover letter outlining the changes in the position since last reviewed
      5. Organizational chart indicating the position under review
      6. Supplemental information as requested (e.g., questionnaire, survey)
      7. Signature and address/ telephone of employee
      8. Date of request
  3. Classification Review Process: Compensation determines the appropriate classification and pay grade by evaluating the core functions and duties of the position and comparing them to pre-defined job families or classification specifications and comparable positions within the organization and/or external to the organization. Factors considered include, but are not limited to, scope of responsibility, degree of complexity, nature of contacts with others, innovation, scope of leadership, supervision received and exercised, degree of independence, resource management, potential impact of errors, and skill and competencies required to perform the position.

    The classification review process will include one or more of the following:
    1. Review of job descriptions
    2. Review of the organizational chart
    3. Review of and any supplemental information such as a cover letter or internal analysis
    4. Interviews with incumbent(s), supervisor(s), and/or manager(s), individually or in groups
    5. Review of a position questionnaire or survey
    6. Review of other positions (internal and/or external) with like or similar job duties and responsibilities
    7. Interviews with subject matter experts
    8. Department Notification
  4. Effective Date: Reclassifications are typically effective on the beginning of the pay period after Compensation receives the review request. Monthly paid positions, effective the first of the month after Compensation receives a complete classification review request from the department or employee; and for bi-weekly paid positions, effective at the beginning of the next bi-weekly pay period.
  5. Notification: Compensation normally notifies the organization head or designee of the classification determination, effective date, and any changes in bargaining unit or Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) status. The organization head or designee notifies the supervisor and the employee. However, in the case of employee initiated reviews and/or classification appeals, Compensation will notify the employee with a copy to the organization head or designee.
  6. Implementation: The department updates the personnel/payroll system as appropriate. Compensation retains the original signed files and returns copies of the approved job description to the respective department.
  7. Appeal Procedure: Employees may appeal classification decisions by completing a Classification Review Request Form and submitting it to the Compensation within thirty (30) calendar days after notification of the classification decision. The appeal shall include the specific reasons for disagreement with the classification determination. The appeal must be addressed to the Director—Employment & Compensation Services.

    If the employee is not satisfied with the results of the appeal, he/she has 15 calendar days to request further review by the Associate Vice Chancellor, Campus Human Resources. The Associate Vice Chancellor's decision will be final.
  8. Corresponding UC Policy - UC PPSM 36