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Procedure 2.210 III.E. – Military Leave

A. General

Refer to UC-PPSM 45 (Military Leave), Section A.

B. Types of Military Leave

Refer to UC-PPSM 45 (Military Leave), Section B.

C. Pay for Leave

An employee granted extended military leave shall be paid for vacation accrued through the last day on pay status.

In accordance with UC PPSM 45 (Military Leave), such leave is considered "extended" when the employee enlists, or is ordered into active-duty service of any leave or active-duty training in excess of 180 days, or when an employee is ordered into active Federal military duty as a member of the National Guard or Naval Militia.

D. Reinstatement

Refer to UC-PPSM 45 (Military Leave), Section D.

E. Effect on Benefits

Refer to UC-PPSM 45 (Military Leave), Section E.