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Procedure 22 - Probationary Period

A. General

These Guidelines and Procedures do not apply to UCLA staff employees classified in the Management and Senior Professionals group (MSP) and Senior Management Group (SMG), Tier 2. Refer to UC-PPSM 22 (Probationary Period), Section A.

B. Limited and Per Diem Employees

Refer to UC-PPSM 22 (Probationary Period), Section B.

C. Authority

Probationary employees should receive at least one written performance evaluation from their supervisor during their probationary period. Evaluations may be done whenever circumstances indicate an evaluation would be of value.

D. Police and Public Safety Dispatchers Series Probationary Period

Refer to UC-PPSM 22 (Probationary Period), Section D.

E. Release During Probationary Period

Whether or not a probationary employee receives a performance evaluation, he/she may be released at any time during the probationary period for misconduct, including but not limited to dishonesty, theft or fighting on the job, or where the employee reasonably should have known that his/her conduct was unsatisfactory.

F. Extending the Probationary Period

An extension of the probationary period, for no more than three (3) months, may be granted. Ordinarily, such extensions are given in cases where a department has not received information regarding the employee's background check, or the employee's duties changed significantly during the probationary period, or the employee acquired a new supervisor during the probationary period.

The probationary employee shall be informed in writing of the reason for, and the period of, any extension of probationary status at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the extension of the effective date.

G. Completing Probation

An employee who has satisfactorily completed the probationary period should be informed in writing of the attainment of regular employee status and that the employee is entitled to the additional considerations as provided in the appropriate personnel policies. However, the failure to issue such notice shall not be construed as evidence that an employee who has satisfactorily completed the probationary period has failed to attain regular employee status.